Wednesday 4 April 2012

Editor's Note ~ April 2012

First post
Starting a blog wasn't easy. It takes the initiative to at least sit down and start writing. Besides, I don't know what I should start writing. Just to start writing this exact sentence, I try to google (I know, many of you may have laugh your head off by now). I can say that it has reached a point where I can't function without google. The convenient kids have these days to do their homework. I remember a time I scout around in the library and read thousands of essay just to perfect my own.

My target is to at least have one editor's note every month. Make it feel like a magazine. Fingers cross, hope I can at least make it to the end of the year to grow this blog. Besides me, there will be another two editor, BUTTERfly and flyingraKUN. BUTTERfly will mainly focus on food review while flyingraKUN will mainly focus on real life issue. As for me, I will be writing more on travel and adventure.

So here goes nothing. On the special date of 04.04.2012, pEANutBUTTERflyingraKUN takes off.


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