Monday, 14 May 2012

Happening - Moonlight Movie (Almost...)

by pEANutbutter
Figure 1: Promotional Poster
Last Saturday, we went down to the Indoor Arena of Bukit Kiara Esquestrian Club for a movie night out (actually 2 movies). The movie started at 8pm, but I mistakenly thought 8.30pm. But no matter what, we arrived at the nick of time, and probably just missed about 5 minutes of the first movie. The movie is screened in an indoor arena, so no worry about rain. However, it's not literally movie under the moon and stars then. But with the unpredictable weather these days, rain overides view.

Two Movies Back To Back
The first movie of the night was Puss In Boots. BUTTERfly look forward to catch Puss In Boots although he wasn't a big fan of cats as he never been to an equestrian park before while flyingraKUN was doting for the second movie of the night, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. It was fun, but don't expect great quality sound system. Subtitles in English is displayed though so this really helps. Some stalls are set up to sell food, drinks, and of course, Unifi booth. For your information, the event is organised by HyppTV, an internet tv subcription. To get HyppTV, you need Unifi highspeed broadband. Among the food stalls available are KFC, Pizza Hut, a bakery, and some local snacks. Variety of drinks available such as 100 plus, Gatorade, Tropicana Orange, etc. But do expect to pay a slightly higher price. So that's why we brought our own food. But we did buy Gatorade from the vendor which cost RM4 (500mL bottle). The only essentials that we forgot are mat and pillow for us to have a picnic at the indoor arena sand field (not sure what it's call, but this indoor arena is for horse competition. We are suppose to laid back at the sand area of the arena). So, we are forced to enjoy our movies sitting at the spectactors' bench surrounding the arena for almost four hours. Our mistake.

Figure 2: The environment at the event
1. Mat suitable for sandy surface (something used at beaches is good here too)
2. Pillows. I seen some people with a rectangle box for them to lay. Not sure whether its free or it comes with a price. Better bring your own.
3. If not willing to pay the price, pack your own food. Its nicer anyway.
4. Mosquito repellent. Just in case. I wore thick panty hose, no problem.
5. Umbrella. To commute between your car and the arena just in case it rain.
Bus are provided for those who park very far from the arena. As we are there at the last minute, we are allowed to park at a nearby location between walking distance. But we may not be that lucky the next time. While walking to the arena, a bus pass by us loaded to the brim. 
The Verdict
It was a nice experience, but it would take a very very long time for us to try this again. The directions there wasn't clearly stated. We got lost and simply attempt to guess which road we should go by simply using logic sense (We know its somewhere on the left side of Sprint highway nearby the equestrian club, if you coming from Federal, so any road heading left, we try). We went through the main entrance of the equestrian club, but was asked to turn out and use another route. Turns out the entrance to this event is at the second entrance which is further in front of the main gate of the equestrian club, but the guard at the main gate directed us to the opposite direction. So it would be good if the organisers can improve the signage to  this event.
The event anticipated about 5000 spectators. But judging from the response (in measure of the arena's capacity), it wasn't good. Only about 30% of the seats and spaces are filled. To top it up, I rather watch DVD at the comfort of my own home.

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